Saturday 10 November 2012

Pieces of the jigsaw

I haven’t posted on here for a while and so very much has happened that one day I will play catch up.  I had to post today though, because I absolutely had to record an experience that has fundamentally shifted my understanding of how the different vibrational energies fit together.

Some of you may know that I have been researching a book about healers from different healing modalities, trying to understand where the common links are and what works best.  Time and again I hear that ‘everything is energy’ and that things and thoughts ‘resonate at different frequencies’. But my human (and very unscientific) mind struggles to grasp how vibration links with colour, links with sound, links with thought, beyond the very basic concept that they are all different vibrations of energy.

This morning I saw it in action.  Readers of this blog will know that since starting Reiki I often now hear the sounds of the universe.  Over recent months this has been more and more pronounced. As an aside I have the impression that this is often linked with certain planetary movements, but I can’t be certain, so for the record this incident occurred on 10/11/2012 in the event that any more insight later chooses to reveal itself.  In the early hours of this morning I was wide awake, yet with my eyes still closed, with my youngest daughter in bed beside me struggling to fight off a bug she had picked up from one of her school friends.

I could hear a full spectrum of sound, of high pitched frequencies.  If you can’t understand what I mean, it’s a bit like the whistle that you blow for your dog that human ears can’t pick up but the dog responds to. Before, I used to hear just a couple of different tones; this morning there were layers of them.  I felt totally connected to the universe, beyond anything I have ever experienced in my life.

I have been testing out a ‘new’ (to me) healing method which cuts through all the ritual and rigmarole and really just boils down to the use of intention, love and ‘being on the right wavelength’. Feeling incredibly sorry for my little girl (well, not so little these days, but she’ll still be my little girl when she’s in her sixties) who had been up most of the night I called the energies.  Immediately I saw the royal blue and indigo clouds of light behind my closed eyes that have become so common to me when working with energy these days, and which I truly welcome and know to be a great friend and source of love and healing.  I set my intention and asked the Universal energy to help me.  What happened next was nothing less than astonishing.

I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion for my daughter and immediately I felt a wave of beautiful energy sweep over me, from my toes right up to my crown chakra, pulsing up my spine.  As the energy flowed I very clearly saw the light transform into a clear pattern that moved.  Actually, I can’t say whether the blue/indigo cloud changed into the pattern or whether it was replaced, but the pattern was very, very obvious.  I watched wave upon wave of interlocking crystal-coloured patterns, just like the ones in Doctor Masaru Emoto’s frozen water crystal experiments.

These were beautiful and delicate formations, very much like the shapes you would find in the crystals that had received messages of love or prayer, but seemed to be constructed of lines of light.  They moved from right to left in the direction of my daughter (who was asleep to the left of me) and were comprised of crystal light.  They were very clear but the dimensions were confusing now I think about them in the clear light of day with my rational mind, because although they were behind my closed eyes I had the impression that they were each around four to five centimetres in diameter.  In the past I have seen flower of life type symbols, and patterns that resembled the chakra symbols, the type of pattern that is often found in crop circles, but only fleetingly.  This went on for several minutes, wave upon wave of moving and vibrating uniform patterns of light, like never-ending honeycombs of crystals or snowflakes, and I had an understanding, a knowing, that this is how matter is created and transformed.  With holographic patterns of light. With energy frequencies.

For the skeptics amongst you, I was not dreaming nor was I in a dream state, although I hadn’t been awake all that long.  I am a rational, professional person.  At one point I actually opened my eyes to double check (somewhat reluctantly because I didn’t want the experience to end), and then closed them again and the patterns were still there while my daughter was softly breathing next to me (she had been tossing and turning all night).

What fascinating, fascinating times we are living in.

Monday 30 July 2012

The new normal

How have things altered so profoundly for me? I used to feel my body as a solid object, dense, almost unwieldy and I considered my thoughts and emotions to be exactly that; my thoughts and emotions, they made up my version of myself.  How radically things have changed.  For the first time, probably in my life, I feel truly alive, vibrant.  I have a completely new concept of what is ‘normal’.  Physically I feel energy coursing through my body at every moment.  I don’t just understand the concept of us as energetic beings, I know it as completely true, I feel it.  When I sense an emotion I can feel it in my physicality, like the inner guidance system it was intended to be but nothing more.  When I feel joy I feel it powerfully, not only emotionally, but I feel it in a specific place in my body.  When my emotions are heightened for some reason, if something worries, irritates, angers or saddens me for example I can track the energy as it flows and moves through my body and on out of my energy field again.  If it doesn’t keep on moving on through but starts to feel dense I am mentally able to shift it along and give it a nudge along its way.  The energy in my body flows all the time, it moves, it shifts, it changes.  I feel the kundalini energy starting in my lower back and snaking its way up my spine and radiating outwards.  My feet pulse with a vital energy and grounded is no longer just a word to describe someone sensible, I am truly connected to the earth.  I feel solar flares long before they impact on earth.  I don’t have to check out the space weather websites to know there has been a flare, my crown chakra pulls tight and my teeth, lips and tongue vibrate.  I don’t have to work hard or concentrate to feel any of this, it just is

Because my energy field is clear for much of the time when I do feel an emotion it is much easier to pick up on it.  My inner guidance system is honed and alert.  That niggling, unsettled feeling I used to get when something wasn’t quite right now jumps up and shouts at me, the message is loud and clear, and I am able to ask the right questions and to respond appropriately.  I am in constant dialogue with my Higher Self, not just a prayer at the end of the day, but a perpetual dialogue and interaction.  I’m connected. If I’m not sure of something I just ask and in a very short space of time the answers make themselves obvious. I am guided.

I hear a wide range of higher frequencies that I have never heard before.  They are not intrusive, but they are there all the time although I only really notice when I listen or if it’s quiet, in much the same way as you wouldn’t usually notice the gentle whirring of a kitchen fridge.

I understand how linked we all are.  More than that, I feel it.  I can sense the thoughts and emotions of other people, sometimes I pick them up and carry them, and for a short time I believe them to be my own.  I can literally feel the pain of other people.  If someone is suffering I often feel a sensation in the corresponding part of my own body, powerful enough to catch my attention but as if the pain is on mute, or as if the volume has been turned down.  When doing healing work, I often feel the pain leaving their body. Now I’m more in touch with my energy body I am better able to manage these sensations and it is usually easy to quickly distinguish and unravel what is ‘mine’, if there is such a thing, and send it on its way.  I totally get the immense power of words and thoughts. Not only are they are things in their own right but when coupled with intention they are a beautiful tool for manifestation.  Consequently I am careful about what I think and say and my effect on others and the environment around me.  I feel compassion and sometimes frustration for those who have not awoken to these wonderful gifts.  I am human, I am imperfect and I certainly don’t always get it right, but I  try to remain mindful and in spirit.

Not only do I feel this energy but I see it, I see it everywhere.  I see light and colour when I am doing healing work, I can see the Prana in the sky, I see the aura around a group of trees almost as if I am watching them breathing, I see the energy imprint near to a solid object, I see the gentle exchange of energy waves, frequencies, back and forth around a flame, a light bulb, a stream of light through the window, the setting sun.  Sometimes I see the molecules of solid objects shift and move, like the dots that form the picture on a television screen.  From time to time I see fleeting geometric shapes.  A couple of weeks ago I was at a large gathering of thousands of people and was sat quietly having my early morning cup of coffee whilst the world slept and the sun came up.  It was around the time of a huge solar flare. I was mesmerised as I watched cloud upon cloud of beautiful, soft golden light rolling in and flooding the show ground, with hundreds of golden orbs dancing in front of it like sentinels leading the way. It was a stunning energy that felt as if it was cleansing and purifying everything in its wake and I feel blessed and privileged that I am now able to witness such things. 

Day after day I see spectacular healings, everything from the minor bumps and scrapes that we pick up along our journey through life, to significant, life-threatening illnesses that I would previously have considered to be irreversible. 

I feel empowered, deeply connected, protective, in touch, aware, in awe. Reiki triggered something in me that has awakened and released a blocked flow of energy, but I know, above all else, that this is our natural state of being, this is how we were created and intended to live our lives.  

My question is simple and profound. Why are so many of us so numb to this? What has been keeping us so dense and disempowered?

Monday 11 June 2012


Having woken up at least fifteen times in the night to go for a wee (thankfully shedding some of the excess baggage I seem to have put on around my middle recently, despite eating less and more healthily) I got up yesterday with a temperature and aching all over.  Unable to do much more than shift from bed, to the bath, to the sofa then back to bed, I took a brief glance at my horoscope which advised me:

‘It’s very necessary that you are listening to your heart dear Aries and also making sure that you are looking after your body.  This means you’ll need to have more space in your life to make sure you have time for you.  I can’t stress to you how important it’s going to be to have alone time.  There are some very profound messages coming your way at the moment and you don’t want to miss any of them’.

Well, I didn’t need any more encouragement to take it easy.  Instead, I used the time to make a big dent in Dr Eric Pearl’s book ‘The Reconnection’.  I was astonished at just how many similarities there were in our respective journeys, although my palms have never bled, his patients seem to stay awake through their healings and mine seem to fall asleep, and I frequently see clouds of colours whereas this doesn't seem to feature in his writing.

The other advice was to ‘focus your energy on you’. Just as well really, because when I tried to respond to requests for distant healing, I could hardly feel any energy in my hands.  Normally I just have to shift my attention to them and the energy is instantly there, noticeably strong.  I could hardly muster a tingle.

Whilst lying quietly I noticed shafts of white light and what I could only describe as ‘frequencies’, going both up and down the shaft of light, although principally upwards away from me.  A quick Google on my phone and I see that I am not alone, although it doesn’t seem to be widespread: http://spiritualnetworks - seeing soundwaves

I also listened to this channelling of Kyron by Lee Carroll Kyron chanelling Lee Carroll and a plaiedien channelling via Lia Shapiro (from Barbara Marciniak’s book Bringers of the Dawn way back in 1992 but just as relevant today) which made perfect sense of much that I’ve been thinking and feeling for a long time.  I have always felt that someone or something was 'working on me' during my night visits, and a deep inner knowing that this is not the first time I've worked with these energies. I loved to read too how Kyron is linked with the Archangel Michael, to whom I also feel a strong allegiance. 

I also felt the need to learn more about energy portals in the earth - this is something I will explore further.

This morning the temperature has dissipated but I have excruciating pain in my lower back.  But at least now I believe that it is with good cause.  I find it hard to believe how much my thought processes have changed in the past 12 months and that I'm giving any credibility to information like this.  But give it credibility I most certainly do. 

Sunday 10 June 2012


Yet again, another jaw-dropping session that has left me wondering in amazement why I have been allowed to have access to such a wonderful gift.  On the one hand, I’m starting to accept as ‘normal’ the colours that I keep seeing, on the other I wonder if I’ll ever really get used to the sights I keep witnessing.

This time the session was with a lady who had been coughing up blood and green bile and who was clearly terrified about what the future had in store for her.  Within less than two minutes of the session starting she apologised profusely, and said that she had an overwhelming urge to cry, then tears briefly shed, she settled into a deep slumber with a peaceful smile on her face.  This time the main colours that I saw working were crystal/white, with a touch of indigo. 

I started to see a pulse in her neck, which gradually seemed to become stronger and stronger. Her neck appeared to be getting a gentle and rhythmic massage, no matter where I moved my hands on her body.  I watched in astonishment as all along her neck to one side of her windpipe her throat seemed to be getting squeezed in an upward motion, almost as if someone were squeezing a tube of toothpaste. Then squeezed even more intensely.  I was mesmerised, and somewhat anxious, unable to comprehend how she was able to sleep through it without choking. In ordinary circumstances I have no doubt that she would have complained about being strangled.

But when the session ended, again she said that she hadn’t noticed being asleep, and hadn’t felt anything more than a sense of warmth and peace.

White, I read, is the perfect colour, for it is all colours in perfect balance and harmony, the colour of the awakened spirit, of cosmic consciousness and the Divine light and one of the fastest ways to bring about healing. I see that it is often linked with the crown chakra and is an excellent colour for rebalancing disturbances and depressions linked with hormonal imbalances and psychophysical problems.

Crystal came up again in an entirely different context this morning when I read this article crystal beings out loud to my eldest daughter.  We were both in agreement that the vast majority of the attributes in the article summed her up perfectly.  Interesting to read too, that whilst crystal children are born that way, many of their predecessors have vibrations and gifts that are activated as they mature.  

Passing On

This week my father-in-law lost his two-and-a half-year long battle with cancer.  His cancer was well advanced by the time I received my attunement enabling me to do distance Reiki, but since then (and in fact, a couple of weeks prior to) I have been sending Reiki to him on a regular basis.  In the past couple of weeks, as his life was reaching its conclusion, my two daughters (recently Reiki I trained, but not yet able to do distant Reiki) and my husband, who has received no Reiki training, joined me.  I had been woken up in the night by a ‘dream’ encouraging us to send healing as a family.

I see little point in wondering whether the outcome would have been different had we learned to work with Reiki earlier.  There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the Reiki helped.  When I first started sending he frequently made mention on the phone that he could ‘feel’ the Reiki energy, tingling and pulsing sensations in and around his tumour, despite the fact that he was in a different country, and hadn’t really believed it could help.

Last week the family asked the specialists to try to give some sort of prognosis for life expectancy.  The Doctor replied that it was impossible to say.  They were in uncharted territory, he said, because ordinarily given what he had been through he ‘should have been gone months ago’.  I am not claiming that Reiki was the only factor. I have never met such a genuinely kind, caring and cheerful man, he had a laugh and a joke for everything, and no matter what the circumstances he met it with a smile. I'm sure his positive and optimistic outlook on life helped him enormously.  But I do believe that the Reiki made a significant contribution.

You might have read my earlier blog about the Venus transit.  On the day that she was making her crossing I remarked to my husband that I would not be surprised if my father-in-law either made a miraculous recovery, or chose the next few days to make his exit.  The energies felt so beautiful and so loving that I could understand why anyone struggling with life might choose that moment to move on and reconnect with something so paradisiacal.

When we got the phone call to let us know he had started to deteriorate my husband and two girls started the long drive back to the UK to visit him.  Just before 4.00 am I woke with gut wrenching fear and panic in my solar plexus.  I cannot explain how, but I knew it was my father-in-law, despite the fact that although we were on very good terms I was not ‘close’ to him in the same way that I would say I’m close to my mum, my husband or children.  Nevertheless, I could strongly sense his emotion and we had a surreal ‘conversation’, without using any words in which I said ‘You can’t go yet, they’re on their way to see you’.  I later found that just before 4.00 am the nurses had had to sedate him.

The following morning my husband arrived at the hospital and apparently his Dad looked so poorly that he almost didn’t let the girls in to see him.  At around 10.30 am I sat in the garden and sent Reiki and prayed that everyone would be able to say their goodbyes.  At around 10.30 am I’m told that he opened his eyes and perked up, so much so that the girls and their little cousins were able to go in to see their Grandad.  The cancer had reached his bowel, his liver, his lungs and most probably his brain, yet he needed virtually no pain relief.

Again, I can’t explain how, but I knew he had gone long before we got the phone call to say that he had passed on peacefully in his sleep that night.

When I phoned my mum to explain, she told me that the night my Nan had passed away, she too had been woken with a feeling of total panic, as if someone was sitting on and contracting her chest, at exactly the time of Nan’s death.  She said that a few days later she had a vision of her Mum which she found extremely disconcerting, clippy-clopping jauntily along in her shoes, looking much younger and joyful, as if to say ‘It’s okay, I’m alright, I’ve found peace’. 

Wednesday 6 June 2012


I had yet another session at lunchtime with a neighbour who fell asleep immediately they lay on the massage table and then started moving about.  They had come to me with a case of cystitis, but it quickly became obvious that they also had something out of kilter with their hand as it kept twitching and moving backwards and forwards as if it was being physically manipulated.  I felt very little in the way of energy, but I saw a lot of colours during the session.  When I woke her up at the end she was completely unaware that her hand had moved, but when I asked her she said it often played her up when she had been gardening.  The pain from the cystitis had immediately completely disappeared.  I had mentioned this phenomenon to a Facebook friend who forwarded me a link to a video by her Reiki master, Ethel Kilroy, talking about what she called ‘Movers’: Ethel Kilroy interview 

Venus transit

I have just had the most surreal and wonderful experience.  All morning, the morning of the Venus transit which we can’t see here in France but which I can most certainly feel, my crown chakra and the rear of my heart chakra have been tingling with huge amounts of energy.  As the sun had just started to peek out from behind the clouds I went outside to do a distance healing session in the garden.  As I sent the request all the colours suddenly greyed out for a few minutes and became almost ‘smudged’ looking, like looking through a soft-focus lens. Then gradually I watched cloud upon cloud of energy (or spirit?) rolling like a morning mist through everything in my field of vision.  I’ve seen these colours regularly since I’ve started Reiki, and feel sure they are from the same source as the Northern lights, but I’ve never seen them in such huge quantities before; indigos, and blues and pinks and greens swirling through the sky and the gardens.  The greyed out colour of the things I was looking at then took on a hue that I find hard to describe; the grass was such a vivid green.  When I looked at the sky it was as if there were ‘ripples’ in it that I felt sure were massive amounts of incoming energy, a bit like the effect when you throw a pebble into a pond.  The sound of birdsong and bees buzzing were, for a few minutes, incredibly loud.  Consider me officially blown away.

Photos Daily Mail